Do you know about - Education Is Not Keeping Pace With Future Needs
Virtual Flight Surgeon Aero! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.Frank Ogden, the Canadian Futurist, said that if Rip Van Winkle had fallen asleep in the year 500 AD and not woken up until now, he would have noticed that everything had changed except for two things...the church and schools. Personally, I'd add the urge for procreation and the pursuit of power but let's put those aside. The church is the church. People generally need to believe that there is a greater force out there that can help them and the church in its many forms provides the platform for that.
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We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Virtual Flight Surgeon Aero.The church is not a very progressive institution. That's a given. Neither, I'm afraid are schools. Schools are still teaching basically the same things they taught in the year 500. I agree with Frank on that. But look around you. Look at the speed at which technology is changing our world. Are schools keeping up? Hardly. Most learning is still done through textbooks. I grant you they often have audio-visual support now but consider those textbooks. A university text can easily cost more than 0. I've taught courses where the text was 0! The unfortunate thing is that a textbook takes three to five years to be developed and printed; support materials added and then for schools to fit it into their curricula. By that time, guess what? It is often obsolete! Too many things have happened in the past five years and even before the book hits the stands it needs revision.
Education needs to take off its rose-coloured glasses and look at what is happening in the world! Many of those in academia have never worked; never been in the workplace and have little real understanding of what is taking place. Universities and professors in their characteristically outmoded bowties continue to wander around hallowed corridors and sculpted campuses blissfully unaware of the needs of the real world. I know! I know! It's not their fault - it's the system. Bull droppings! Change begins with the individual and works its way up to where something can be done.
In Thailand, the government has been on about education reform since I first came here some 24 years ago. Do you know what has happened? Nothing significant that I can see. Lip service mostly. Continual changes in the government have not helped the situation any. In the past few months, the Ministry of Education decided that schools don't need to teach so much English (the international language of business and thus the future employers of all Thai students) so they've told all schools to cut back to three lessons per week. Is that a progressive step? You tell me!
I still remember when a then government here in the Kingdom decided that all schools should be computerized and so it put computers into every school. Laudable...except that 200 of those schools did not even have electricity, let alone any knowledge of computers or personnel capable of hooking them up. Ah well...the thought was there. Foresight, thinking and planning go together.
Consider also that many kids these days spend up to 80% of their time in front of either a TV or a computer screen. In fact, many kids are far more aware of what is really happening in the world than their parents are - let alone their teachers or professors. Are we taking advantage of the way children learn and like to learn these days? Are we watching and listening? Not nearly enough.
Our school in Chonburi Province in Thailand grew from one building, 12 teachers and about 100 students in 1967 to nine buildings, 200 teachers and 4000 students. Classrooms are for the most part non air-conditioned. Some do not even have a place to plug in a CD player. Oh, and there are 40-46 students in every class. However it has a sound lab and two new computer labs. Progress!
This year the school opened its new building for their Gifted Programme (students with GPA of 3.2 or better) and their planned English Programme. Classrooms are state-of-the-art. Each classroom has a teacher control computer, microphone and LCD projector All classrooms have air-con and five Internet-ready computers at the back of the room for students. Students are used to being visually stimulated by TV and practically all of them have computers in the home so visual lessons have more impact. Learning takes place faster and is retained longer. Books have their place but interactive, hands-on lessons are more motivating and interesting than a printed page. A science lab and library are also in the works. This is a school that is paying attention to reality from a technological standpoint. It seems to be in the minority.
All that is fine and dandy but the real question is: Are schools teaching students the skills for the jobs they will be going to in 5 -15 years or are they still teaching from the year 500? Why do we teach advanced math? Studies show that most girls by the age of 15 hate it and avoid it like the plague. Most boys would as well if they could.
Cheating has always been a no-no in schools. In Thailand, in a class of 45, perhaps three students will do their homework and the rest will copy off those three. It is easy to spot the same errors occurring in different notebooks. However, I sometimes take a contrarian view and wonder if we shouldn't be thinking of it as collaborative learning. Do we really need to know all the answers ourselves or is it enough to know where to find the solutions we need? Isn't that why businesses hire specialists and why teamwork is flaunted as the way to go? Surely advanced math is something that computers can do better and a lot faster than the average student brain? 95% of students will never use advanced math in their careers yet we still drill everybody senseless in algebra, trigonometry and calculus. Why, for heaven's sake? Well, that's what they taught in the year 500 and no one has told me about a change in the curriculum. Uh huh! Wouldn't it be better to teach students how to approach a problem and how to instruct the computer to work up the solution? I know...who is going to check the computer's work? Another person working on the same problem through a different computer.
Using a calculator instead of doing math was the first use of electronic (post-electric) technology in the classroom. Computers, cell phones, text messages can all contribute to what I referred to in an earlier paper as cyber-cheating. We all resist change but we should be looking at it from the point of view of where it is leading us and our students.
Some 20 years or so ago, I was at a lunch and Frank Ogden was the guest speaker. At the time, he was a futurist with the Ontario government. What he said was amazing and thought-provoking. I recall him talking about computer chips and silicone chips but that protein chips were the up-and-coming thing because they were actually alive.
He projected that the day would come when we would be able to swallow a pill and it would give us an instant command of whatever the subject was. Want to learn Italian, for example, swallow an Italian pill. Instantly you would be able to speak, read and write Italian. Want to become a brain surgeon or a car mechanic...well you get the idea. Think about the impact...
Proteomics is the study of proteins. There are several types of protein chips already being used in medicine to do things that are well beyond my understanding. Anyway, they do exist now as projected. I'm still waiting for the pills. But imagine...
If everyone had the ability to learn almost anything instantly, what would happen to schools? What would happen to teachers and professors? What would happen to bowtie salesmen? College football would become regional rather than school events. Of course everyone would be so good at playing football that...well, no, I don't know what would happen.
The gist of this is that education ministries, school boards and schools need to be paying more attention to what the needs of business will be in the future and teaching students accordingly; not blindly keep churning out lawyers and marketing specialists by the thousands. Computer people, systems people, healthcare professionals, eldercare specialists, aeronautical and spatial engineers are what we need more of - not to mention a handful of people who can figure out how to avoid the Earth being hit in 2036 by Apophis, that huge comet that's lumbering our way!
Dr. Robert Taylor
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