Flight Simulator Virtual Airlines - Join One Today

Virtual Flight - Flight Simulator Virtual Airlines - Join One Today. The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination Flight Simulator Virtual Airlines - Join One Today.

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Virtual Flight ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

If you are serious about flight simulation, you may be interested in virtual airlines. What is a virtual airline - well in this article we will explain what they are all about and the reasons why you would want to join them. United, Delta, American - you probably did not know that these well known real world airlines also have virtual airlines running that you can join. Read on to find out more about how they work.

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How is Flight Simulator Virtual Airlines - Join One Today

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Virtual airlines are a way for flight sim fans to organise and form a virtual organisation. The organisation is running an airline and all of the members of the airlines are assigned different jobs. The jobs include many of the jobs that are needed to run a real world airline. You could hold positions such as hub manager or dispatcher on the ground managing the airlines scheduled flights. You could also apply for a position as a pilot to fly the defined routes that the airline has decided on. The airlines are one of two types. The first type is modelled on actual airlines that are flying today such as American, Delta and United. They will have the same number and type of aircraft and fly the same routes. The second type is a totally virtual airline that has been created and designed by the members.

The airlines are taken seriously, and you do need to apply for the positions and the applications will be considered on their merits, including looking at your flying experience. Once you have flown for the airline and increased your experience, you may be eligible for a promotion to a more senior role.

Virtual airlines work with all of the major flight simulation software packages. The airline is run from an internet site, but the actual airline flights are flown using one of the popular flight simulators such as Microsoft flight simulator, FlightGear or X-Plane among others.

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Let Your Business Take Flight With a Virtual Office

Virtual Flight - Let Your Business Take Flight With a Virtual Office. The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Let Your Business Take Flight With a Virtual Office.

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When thinking about countries that are a good place to start a business, Singapore would be one of them, but of course, these are all based on the accommodating laws and the regulatory status of the business community here, but what you have is a situation where it is relatively expensive to start your own business here in the lion city. This is why more and more enterprising people are turning towards the virtual office Singapore for their start up solutions, and this is because the sheer amount of money that they are going to save would help them to pump more in their marketing and advertising dollar, giving their business that much more exposure to be able to gain the leverage and boost their growth.

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How is Let Your Business Take Flight With a Virtual Office

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So it is really quite a common sense decision when you think about it, especially when we are in this period of economic downturn and people are constantly looking to cheaper alternatives and better ways for them to manage their risk, and in this case, risk is tantamount to the amount of money that is going to be spent. Your business can really take flight when you get yourself on board with a virtual office and this is really what you should be thinking about in this case, especially when every dollar in your business is crucial, and your money management will be that much more effective when you place your cash in cost effective solutions.

The other thing that you should consider about the virtual office Singapore is that when you are trying to base your operations in a premium location, in the central business district, one thing you would realise that the closer you get to the base of operations for the financial centre of Singapore, the more money you are going to spend on yourself and the office.

The benefit of the whole virtual office is that you can leverage on some really excellent business locations for a price that seems almost ridiculous. You can print some really top level addresses on your name card, and all from the services of a virtual office. All you need to do really is to get yourself on a company that is situated in this area, or has branches or rights to own some of the addresses in the business district.

You might be paying a little more than usual, but of course this is a good investment when you are out to impress and you have a target market and clientele that likes to be impressed in the first place. So these are some of the ways that you can make your business idea take flight with a virtual office Singapore and there are really no two ways about this, it is a simple decision for you to make in fact. Going virtual is a really good way for you to make sure that you gain the business success that you need and gain the kind of growth in later stages as well.

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How to Think Big!

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Everyone is born to think big. Just stroll down your memory lane and try to recall when you are younger in age, have you ever dream to become a pilot, doctor or other great positions in the society? When you are older, you must have dreamt of starting your own business, driving your favorite posh car, having your dream house. But what has been happening to all these dreams? In fact, they have been stolen by the dream thief. Who are them? They are just anyone in your life that always there to pour water at you and ask you to wake up whenever you have a dream. For example, when you want to start a business, people around you will start to discourage you and dampen your motivation by saying, "Stop dreaming, you cannot make it, just stick to your 9 to 5 job and get your paycheck every month!" So stay away from these people and start learning the techniques of thinking big.

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How is How to Think Big!

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Here they are...

1. Get embarked in the Right Mindset

Most importantly, you must learn to establish good habits and throw away the bad ones. Do not be afraid of getting out of your comfort zone and start to experiment new things. Once you set your mind to think big, never succumb to thinking small again. Always set time and place for yourself to think creatively to what you want to achieve in life. Be positive and you will always feel energized.

2. Visualization and Commitment Helps

You should set your imagination wild and start to visualize your life after you have achieved the dream. You will tend to be motivated to push on after you set and visualize your dreams. It will be even more effective if you commit yourself by penning your dream down.

3. Believe in Law of Association and Attraction

Always be in the accompany of like minded people and it will be best to create mastermind group to motivate yourself and others. Remember to keep yourself away from dream stealers as they will drain the positive energy out of you and kill your dreams. This is the power of association. There is another law that you cannot forsake - the law of attraction. You attract who you are.

4. Everything Starts Small

Remember this: Rome was not built in a day, so you should not be bothered by what you currently have now because small steps leads to great success.

5. Keep Yourself in Motion

When you dream big, you must also stop procrastinate and start moving towards your target. It does not matter how fast you can move, but it did matters if you stop.

Turn your ear off that mocking voice that tells you to wake up from your dream and do something more realistic. You can either succumb to your current state of reality or create it to what you wants. This is the importance of thinking and dreaming big.

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What Does It Take to Become a Surgeon?

Pilot Surgeon - What Does It Take to Become a Surgeon?. The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination What Does It Take to Become a Surgeon?.

Do you know about - What Does It Take to Become a Surgeon?

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To become a surgeon, you need to possess a whole range of abilities and qualities. First of all, you have to be very good at math and science, and you have to be able to memorize reams of information, data and long scientific and Latin words. Medical school throws information at students at a fast and furious pace, and you really must be adept at studying and digesting information to keep up. And you have to have a good eye for detail. When you walk into the operating room you need to know that all the instruments you'll require are properly laid out, and that all the conditions are just right for a successful procedure.

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How is What Does It Take to Become a Surgeon?

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You also have to be able to remain calm under pressure to have any chance at a successful career as a surgeon. Surgeons, after all, conduct the most careful actions imaginable with people's lives constantly at stake, so they have to keep their cool even when a patient's vital signs take a turn for the worst. In addition, almost every surgeon performs emergency surgeries. Imagine being awakened by a call in the middle of the night because you must perform surgery on a child who's seriously injured. In that situation you have to get dressed, rush to the hospital and head immediately to the operating room. You might pass on the way the child's screaming siblings and sobbing parents. You have to begin work instantly, and every second could hold the difference between life and death. In short, being a surgeon is extremely taxing, and it's probably a wonder that so many people are able to do it in the first place.

Furthermore, surgeons need incredible dexterity; like a pianist, they have to have excellent control of their hands and their fingers. They also need the physical stamina just to stand up for so many hours at a time; during surgery many surgeons hardly move their feet. And like an airline or jet pilot, surgeons need their five senses in excellent working order; they especially need good eyesight. It also helps if a surgeon has good social skills. This isn't a critical factor, but if you can meet with a patient before an operation and explain the procedure he or she is about to undergo calmly, it can really help to set that patient's mind at ease. You can also be helpful in consoling the family of a patient.

A surgeon should also be comfortable with new technologies, as the field of medicine changes all the time as new technology is introduced. Surgeons will soon be using lasers as often as if not more often than knives and scalpels, and they'll have all kinds of 3D imaging technology and robotic instruments at their commands as well. Also, medical records may soon be entirely online, which means a surgeon will need effective Internet archiving skills and online research capabilities.

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Joint Replacement Surgery In India- Common Misconceptions

Pilot Surgeon - Joint Replacement Surgery In India- Common Misconceptions . The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Joint Replacement Surgery In India- Common Misconceptions .

Do you know about - Joint Replacement Surgery In India- Common Misconceptions

Pilot Surgeon! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Orthopedic surgery for trauma and elective problems like joint replacement is popular amongst the urban and rural population. However due to supply & demand discrepancies, advertising has a big role. The gullible public often is at risk of misinterpreting the reams of information brought out by hospitals. They may land up with their expectations falling short of what was promised. In this article I shall attempt to clarify some commonly heard terms and discuss the possibilities and limitations of the procedure and thereby remove some misconceptions.

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How is Joint Replacement Surgery In India- Common Misconceptions

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Key Hole surgery- is another term for Arthroscopic surgery. The arthroscope is a device introduced into joints through key-hole incisions about 5 mm wide to inspect the internal structures. The orthopedic surgeon often makes 1- 4 key holes during performance of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures all of the same size. Through these other holes or portals, similar sized instruments of 5 mm width are inserted to smoothen, cut, trim or suture damage structures. Arthroscopic surgery is commonly done in the Knee, Shoulder joints and rarely for the elbow, ankle and hip in our country. Arthroscopic ACL and other ligament reconstruction are possible in the knee. However a knee or any other joint replacement cannot be done by Arthroscopic or key hole surgery. An artificial joint is made of metallic alloy and High density poly ethylene. In a Joint replacement the surgeon sculpts the surfaces of the joint to prepare it for implantation. These prostheses should match the dimensions of the original joint. It requires common sense to understand that an artificial joint cannot be introduced and implanted into a joint through a tiny hole,

5 mm wide. Yet large hoardings, banners and radio and newspaper ads would want the public to believe so.

Minimally invasive surgery- This differs totally from Key hole surgery. This is traditional open surgery done through full length incisions and not just punctures holes. The size of the incision is down sized from the traditional sized large incisions. It is not "Arthroscopic surgery"
Joint replacements can be done through minimally invasive incisions. The advantages of minimally invasive surgery are smaller sized scars, less bleeding, less post operative pain, and faster recovery. Hospital stays are shortened even for Joint replacements. Discharge from hospital requires that the patient has minimal or no pain is ambulant independently with or without aids and the wound is showing signs of settling down. It is therefore not the size of the skin incision alone that matters but what happens inside. Minimally invasive surgery is applicable to Joint replacements, Spine surgery trauma and post trauma reconstruction. Image intensification, computer assistance, innovative surgical approaches, skilled surgical assistants and newer equipment are helpful to perform this difficult form of surgery. The whole purpose of this approach is to make the operation patient friendly without compromising the results of the traditional operation. It should not be a mere marketing Gimmick.

Computer assisted surgery- This is an area where the misconceptions fall under two categories. A section of ill informed people think that the computer just performs the surgery like an auto pilot and the surgeon sits back. Another section is given to understand that it is the Gold standard in surgery and that surgery done without computers is bound to fail. Both these perceptions are false. Computer assisted surgery is not robotic surgery, nor are the long term results proved. A Knee replacement done by a well trained and qualified surgeon in the right operating theatre environment has a chance of lasting for 10 -15 years in 95 percent of the people in whom it is implanted. What computer assisted or navigational surgery is capable of doing is perhaps to raise the survivorship rate at 15 years by one to two percent to say 96- 97 percent. Under no circumstances can the prosthesis last for ever as one of the component polyethylenes is bound to wear. If the prosthesis is fitted correctly, then the incidence of loosening is reduced. Due to its inherent wear over a period of time, it cannot be everlasting as claimed in some quarters.
An auto pilot in a modern aircraft makes calculations about altitude, atmospheric turbulence etc and adjusts the elevation and speed of the aircraft without the pilot's intervention during flight. This does not happen in Orthopaedic surgery. The surgeon cannot stand back and let the computer make the surgical incisions, cut the tissues and bones. Computer assisted surgery is not Robotic surgery where a Machine performs the operation without human assistance.

Computer assisted surgery is traditional open surgery performed by human beings and not Robots. The surgeons makes the incisions and during the operation gets information about remote inaccessible areas like the Hip and ankle joints from "Sensors" or arrays implanted into the leg and thigh bones. This information is processed by the computer to give intra operative information on the correct alignment and positioning of the instruments for making the bony cuts to get the alignment correct. The surgeon makes the cuts and not the computer. The accuracy of the cuts could be marginally improved with this procedure as compared to standard instrumentation. However there are no long term studies to show that more accurate cuts produce improve results. A surgical operation consists of attention to the soft tissues like the ligaments and muscles which the computer cannot see. Nor can it give any information on the size of the implants. These two criteria are paramount to the success of a Total knee replacement, i.e., "Soft tissue balancing' and "Sizing" of the implant. The computer plays no role in these two steps.

Computer assisted surgery adds on extra operating time to the tune of fifteen minutes to a total knee replacement. This translates into increased cost to the patient. The amortization of the equipment per case works out to nearly fifteen to twenty thousand rupees. Thirdly, some of these navigational aids supplied by a particular company are compatible only with implants supplied by that company alone. So if better implants from another rival company are introduced into the market, the navigational system and the instrumentation won't work together. So these hospitals are forced to make false propaganda about their function provided by the implants used in their hospital despite the contrary evidence in the literature. For example it has been claimed that a "Rotating platform Knee" provides High flexion to the tune of 155 degrees. If one were to only do an internet search, then this claim would fall flat on its face.
Another term that is misunderstood by patients is "Knee transplant" A knee or other joint replacement is not a transplant. It only resurfaces the worn out portion of the joint and leaves behind the normal bone. The worn out surfaces are sculpted to receive the implant.

Marketing of health services is now an aggressive business with complete control of the media like TV, Radio, print and banners by large corporate hospitals with huge investment on advertising. Misinformation is spread easily by subtle innuendoes and inferences in banner ads. Advertising is ethical and permissible if it doesn't propagate misinformation. Spreading misinformation by advertisements is unethical as the innocent patient reposes his trust in a Doctor and his trust is betrayed with incorrect information. With nobody to bell the cat, except for some agencies like the advertising standards council of India, the unwary patient is at great risk of being misled. So how do they protect themselves? What are the safeguards from false advertisements? They need to do more deep digging and research by referring to the manufacturer's information booklet, consulting other specialists, and search the internet. Only then will they perhaps avoid falling into a trap of misinformation and gain full value for their hard earned money.

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Medical Air Transport

Flight Medical - Medical Air Transport. The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination Medical Air Transport.

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Transporting patients by air can be expensive, but it often the only option. There are various medical situations where nothing else will do. Under ideal circumstances, the possibilities of in-flight medical care cannot be matched by other modes. Apart from the speed factor, air transport allows for a far larger complement of medical staff and services to be made available to the patient.

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How is Medical Air Transport

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Medical air transport is usually called for emergency rescue and providing specialized but locally unavailable medical treatment (including chemotherapy, life support, dialysis etc.) Modern medical procedures such as organ transplantation also require the fastest possible means of bringing the patient and the source together.

Whatever the circumstances may be, medical air transport is not simply a matter of speed. Considering the fact that only serious medical situations call for it, a medical air transport craft must necessarily feature the very best that the profession has to offer. In operational mode, a fully facilitated craft will have doctors, nurses, paramedical personnel, a complete array of life support equipment and an arsenal of drugs on board.

Staff on medical air transport craft are specially trained for the task. This is why personnel must qualify for the job and are selected on the basis of certification. One will find professional personnel such as advanced life support critical care flight paramedics, board certified emergency medicine flight physicians, flight respiratory therapists and the like on the force. The kind of staff made available on any given craft depends on the medical situation - a cardiac arrest emergency will obviously call for different specialists than a third-degree burn case.

Apart from emergency services, medical air transport also makes the facilities of evaluation and diagnosis available to people who would otherwise have no access to it. One typical instance would be Australia, where the Flying Doctors are an essential part of the country's medical infrastructure.

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Portable Oxygen Concentrators - A Modern Solution to an Old Problem

Faa Flight Surgeons - Portable Oxygen Concentrators - A Modern Solution to an Old Problem. The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Portable Oxygen Concentrators - A Modern Solution to an Old Problem.

Do you know about - Portable Oxygen Concentrators - A Modern Solution to an Old Problem

Faa Flight Surgeons! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

As most patients suffering from chronic respiratory problems will tell you, traditional methods of combating their condition involved entire days and nights spent in bed with the oxygen tank or concentrator feeding vital oxygen while you crossed your fingers that there would be no power interruptions and rued the holiday trip you missed due to your inability to leave the house. But those days are now securely in the past with the advent of portable oxygen concentrators.

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How is Portable Oxygen Concentrators - A Modern Solution to an Old Problem

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We all know what oxygen concentrators are; they are those devices that convert normal (ambient air) into a nearly pure oxygen flow ready for intake by patients. Portable oxygen concentrators are those nifty little things that do the same thing only on the move, thereby freeing patients from their bedside power outlet.

Having the portable device is one thing; let us now explore how you can get to actually travel with your device, particularly in the most insidious of means, airplanes.

The first thing you need to take account is FAA regulations. The FAA has laid down certain criteria on vetted portable devices that are allowed on board aircraft. It may be necessary when making your purchase to ensure that the device you pick is within this prescribed set. Please note that the FAA does not generally allow devices that contain compressed oxygen on board aircraft.

FAA regulations require that portable oxygen concentrators be able to fit either under the seat or in the overhead compartment before they are allowed in the main cabin. It is therefore important to ensure your portable concentrator satisfies this requirement when purchasing it, as failure to do this may result in the device being stored in the cargo hold.

The second thing to consider is the airline you intend to use. Some airlines have in house specifications regarding the use of oxygen on board their aircraft. It can't hurt to review these; details are usually available on their websites. Most people have a preferred carrier; it is this website you need to visit before you settle on a particular brand.

Another thing to consider is the amount of battery life your portable oxygen concentrator needs for the flight. Once you do that it is advisable to pack at least twice the number of batteries needed for the particular flight. This helps counter any unforeseen delays in departure or before disembarking from the plane once you arrive at your destination.

Another factor commonly overlooked by travelers is that most airlines require that you submit a prescription from your doctor detailing why you need the portable concentrator, before you will be allowed to bring it on board the airplane. This should ideally be done well in advance of the flight date to avoid unnecessary complications.

There are some trendy portable oxygen concentrators that can be plugged into a normal power outlet and recharged. Getting such a model can help save you the trouble of carrying a separate one for your stay away from home.

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How to Build a Landscape Retaining Wall

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Do you know about - How to Build a Landscape Retaining Wall

Pilot Surgeon! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I will discuss here the ins and outs of building landscape retaining walls of various materials. In many areas a building permit is required for retaining walls so check with your local building department before you start the work. In my Township only walls over 48" high require a permit but best to check in any case.

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How is How to Build a Landscape Retaining Wall

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There are many, many types of retaining wall materials available today. Field stone, railroad ties, pressure treated ties, brick, inter-locking masonry block that resembles stone, brick, and so on. The different types require slightly different methods of installation but all have some of the same basic concepts. You must start with good solid soil underneath. Do not attempt to build on top of topsoil, wet loam or other soft and pliable ground material. Your wall will simply move with the earth and self destruct over time. If you are dealing with topsoil or soft ground, it will be necessary to excavate and remove this soil to a foot or two below ground level, placement of a good sub base gravel or item material, compaction and then build your wall on top of that. A good sub-base will provide you with years of good looking retaining walls with very little maintenance work. In my area a wall less than 4' high is considered a landscaping item. Over 4' in height, the building departments wants a permit and drawings. CHECK with them before you build your wall. Multiple levels of retaining walls can create great garden spaces. Seating areas and flower gardens can be created in this way as well.

Wheelbarrow, sledge hammer, tape measure, pencils, string line, level, 60 penny spikes, 3 /4" electric drill, wood bits, extension cords, 7 1/4" electric saw, cheap carbide blades, pointed and square shovels. You will also need extra loose suitable material to back fill your wall as you go. 3/4" gravel works the best. Several 2' pieces of either #4 or #5 rebar cut 24" long. Pin bars, picks, electric demo hammers all can be great assets in making the job easier.

Whether you use 6 x 6 pressure treated ties, railroad ties or other dimensional lumber, they all start with at least one tie below finished grade. Placing one tie below grade will help anchor the bottom of the wall and keep it from sliding out once the back fill material is placed behind it. The first or base tie is the most critical. It should be level, align nicely with the others for the length of the wall and be secured firmly. Once you have set the bottom or base tie in place., using your 3/4" drill with appropriate sized wood bit for the rebar you have, drill a hole at least every 4 feet along the length of the ties starting at one end and always ending with a hole at both ends. Using your sledge hammer, drive a piece of the 2' rebar down into the earth until it is level with the top of the tie. This will securely hold the first tie in place. Now place the second level of ties upon the first. Make sure you stagger the joints so no two end joints line up vertically. This is important for wall strength. I also want you to set the 2nd tie back from the front of the bottom tie about 1/4-3/8 inches. This is called "battering". As each subsequent tie is added, each one will set back the same amount causing a slight backward slope of the face of the wall. In effect it is leaning the wall back into the earth behind it. Once the second row is in place, using you drill, drill pilot holes of sufficient size to allow the installation of your 60 penny spikes. DO NOT try to drive these spikes through a pressure treated tie. You will only bend the spike or crack the tie. Removal of these spikes when they are half driven into the wood is almost impossible. They are also fairly expensive so you don't want to waste them. Starting at one end, space the spikes 3-4 feet apart, always ending with one on each end of each tie. Once again, as the back fill is placed behind the wall, the pressure will be trying to topple your wall forward. This built-in "lean" will keep your wall nice and solid. Once you have the second tie in place, go ahead and back fill behind the first two ties and in front of the bottom tie. Take some time to cleanup and rocks or other debris that remains underfoot. This will make a safer work area as you proceed upward with the building of your wall.

Depending on the finished height of your wall, you may have to install what are called "dead-men" every few feet along the walls length, every few courses. These are a piece of the tie turned at a 90 degree angle to the wall with a cross piece nailed on the anchor as an additional anchor behind the wall. A piece 3' long piece with a 2' cross end piece in the shape of a T, placed behind the wall with the end of the long leg nailed to the wall between ties is what is required. When back filled, this becomes a sold anchoring device for the wall. The pressure now not only has to try and push your battered ties over forward but has to pull the anchor out of solid ground. If done correctly, this is not likely to happen. The outside face of the wall will appear to have a six inch piece of wood every few feet but this is of course the butt end of the anchor piece.

As you proceed upward with each course of your ties, you will back fill each course, lightly tamping the stone to prevent excess settlement and remove any air pockets in the earth behind the wall caused by the excavation. DO NOT be tempted to throw large rocks behind the wall to make the back filling work go quicker. Frost action will push on the large stones and could cause your wall to fail. 3/4" gravel drains quickly, keeping water that can freeze/thaw away from the back of your wall and small gravel presents a lesser area for the frost to push upon. If your working in a normally wet area, you may want to install a perforated PVC drain pipe behind the first tie taking the end(s) to daylight. If you do use a drainage pipe, cover the pipe with a filter fabric material to prevent silt from washing into the pipe and plugging it. Simply place a small of amount of stone over the pipe, place the fabric over the stone and continue with your ties and back fill gravel as described above.

Depending upon what you want to see when you are finished with the wall, you may either carry the gravel right up to the finished grade level with the lawn behind the wall or if you want grass or plantings along the wall, you must decide when to stop back filling with the stone. Planting flowers behind the wall is fine but avoid the temptation to use any plants or shrubs with deep root systems. The roots will act upon the wall, pushing against it from behind. If you are going to place topsoil behind the wall for plantings, install a filter fabric at least two ties down from the top of the wall to prevent the soil from silting down into the gravel below.


Additional tools required:
In addition to the tool list given above, you will need a gas powered 12" cutoff saw with masonry blades. Blades wear out quickly so get several of them. A chipping chisel, a brick set and 5 pound lump hammer are also required.

There are several pre-cast concrete masonry units on the market today that are made for building retaining walls. Visit various retailers to see the different costs per piece and availability in your area. Basically the prep work is the same for a wood tie wall. You want to first course of block to sit below the finished grade as an anchor. A solid sub-base of stone, stone dust or concrete is required and must be tamped into place before starting to avoid settlement of the wall. This base must be as level as possible as an out-of-level start will show badly as the wall goes higher and can cause wall failure. Make sure the row is nice and straight or the curve is a smooth gradual one.

Most if not all of these pre-cast units have a lip and groove configuration that allows you to sit one piece upon the other automatically battering the wall as you go. No guess work. Some also have pins that are pushed down into the block below, further holding the individual pieces in place. All of these walls require a back fill of stone. Many also have large holes in the block which must be filled with stone further aiding in the drainage of water from behind the wall. If these walls are kept less than 4' in height, most do not require a dead man assembly. Ask your salesperson if they carry a pre-made dead man. It will save lots of work.

Pre-cast blocks require a mesh netting called "Geo-Grid" to be installed on the top of the first course and usually every two or three courses thereafter. This netting comes in rolls and can be cut with a utility knife. Rule of thumb says the netting projects back into the hillside the same distance the wall is tall. Four foot wall, 4 foot wide netting but many walls require engineering and may require additional netting. The netting is placed on top of the first course within 1" of the front edge of the blocks below. The 2nd course of blocks is then set. After the 2nd course is complete and connector pins installed between the blocks, the netting is the stretched backwards into the hillside leaving no wrinkles in the fabric. A layer of good soil/stone is then placed on top of the netting and compacted into place up to the top of the 2nd course. The netting will hold the wall in place by the sheer weight of the soil you placed behind it. This process continues up to the height of your wall.

All the manufacturers I have seen can provide a finished cap piece for their walls. This provides a neat clean appearance to your finished walls. If the wall is low enough, it also provides a great place to sit and check out the garden behind. Top caps are installed using an adhesive and caulking gun. Adhesive generally cannot be installed below 40 degrees. Check the adhesive tube for instructions for use.

All blocks come in straight pieces. You may remove some of the rear of the block to make an inside curve or space the backs apart to make an outside curve. In any case, the fronts are always held tightly together. (NOTE: On an inside curve, the geo-grid must NOT overlap itself. This can cause the blocks to slide on the double layer and cause the wall to fail. Cut away the portion that overlaps on one of the layers).

There are many brands and types of masonry wall units available and all vary slightly in their installation methods. Make sure you read your instructions before you start. Some brands use plastic pins to anchor each course to the one below, some use steel dowels. Most require filling of the units with clean gravel. Take your time. The wall must last forever.

Drainage pipe installed in stone behind wall.

It is a good idea and may be required by your building department to install drainage piping at the base of your wall to carry away surface and ground water. Freezing water can push a wall over or badly damage it. Perforated plastic pipe can be used and today flexible plastic pipe comes in rolls making it very easy to do curved walls and have less or no joints.

Also available is fabric covered piping. If you do not use the pipe with fabric already on it, after the plain pipe is installed and stone placed on top of it, you must install filter fabric to prevent silt from blocking the holes in the pipe over time. Make sure the ends of the pipe exit to daylight to allow free flowing of any ground water. As your wall progress's, it is required that the first 1 foot space behind the wall is filled with clean stone to allow water to travel down behind the wall to the drainage pipe. The soil behind that portion can be existing soil as long as it can be compacted properly. The stone is brought up to approximately 1 foot below finished grade and then topsoil can be placed for the last foot. This prevents surface water from entering behind the wall. If your wall is quite long you may have to install additional holes through your wall for additional drainage exits using plastic tee fittings. Notch the wall block carefully and place the tee in the slot you cut. The next course of block will hold the tee fitting in place.

In my area, walls above 30" require a handrail to prevent anyone from walking over the edge of the wall from above. If your wall is going to have a sidewalk on top, a handrail is a must. Check with your local building department to see if one is needed. There are special details required to install a handrail behind the walls. Check with your supplier.

Before you start your project, surf the internet a little using "images" in your search engine to see the hundreds of styles of walls design ideas, etc. that are available. Maybe it will give you a good idea for your project.


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Master the Art of Flying an Aircraft Virtual Flight Simulator

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Why Flying Schools Use Top Flight Simulator Games

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How is Master the Art of Flying an Aircraft Virtual Flight Simulator

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Anyone can drive a car, it requires special training but to be a commercial airline pilot that takes a lot more. Pilots must have first hand knowledge and practice of high-technology, before taking a flight in the sky. Special schools for flight use a variety of techniques to properly train potential pilots.

One way the school teaches its students to fly is to use a flight simulator. These systems replicate the act of flying as realistic as possible. It can be as simple as a computer game or as complex as an actual cockpit by the latest technology and software.

A flying school will have access to some of the best flight games. But there are many flight games online for download today. This software helps student pilots with realistic flying experience without the dangers of flying a real aircraft. They are more than just a flight simulator, they are 100 degrees different aircraft types, varying weather conditions, realistic landscapes is based on information from the US Defense Mapping Agency, and even updates of NASA.

The idea behind this downloadable flight game was to create a simulation that was as close to real life flying as possible. Land, global change and flight reactions are some things that have been taken into account when designing this game. It includes opportunities for night flying, flying in poor weather conditions, rising through various environments and the need for both seasonal topics and different time zones.

Check the Combat Flight Simulator downloads of one of these downloadable simulators and experience the sensation of flying a plane without any risk. The controls includes ensuring a realistic animation smooth and fluid with instruments. The developers of this simulator even taking into account shifts in real time, where the pressure forces and the body can do to a plane, and includes periodic error. It is also important to know what to do when something goes wrong, because they are passengers on the aircraft are in your hands.

Instructors of the flight schools understand the importance of using tools that are top notch flight simulation to educate their students. Programs like these are ideal for flying schools, flight enthusiasts and those who simply enjoy a great simulation program. If your looking for a flying game that takes real-life problems and concerns, techniques and potential errors.

So why not put on your leather flying helmet and enjoy.

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Why Mortality Increases in the Elderly Within a Year of Hip Fractures and What You Can Do to Help

Pilot Surgeon - Why Mortality Increases in the Elderly Within a Year of Hip Fractures and What You Can Do to Help. The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Why Mortality Increases in the Elderly Within a Year of Hip Fractures and What You Can Do to Help.

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A startling 1 in 5 people over 65 who undergo hip fracture surgery will die within a year according to the Centers for Disease Control. Certainly, a fractured hip doesn't kill outright - rather it's the slow healing time that makes a person susceptible to other problems which cause death. We can trace the reason for death back to one thing: immobility. There are steps though that you can take to ensure the best outcome for your loved one.

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How is Why Mortality Increases in the Elderly Within a Year of Hip Fractures and What You Can Do to Help

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Humans are not meant to be immobile for any prolonged period of time. When we are the following changes may occur:
Skin breakdown Pneumonia Muscle atrophy Depression

Let's review the significance of each of the above problems.

1. The Hows and Whys of Skin Breakdown

Prolonged immobility leads to pressure ulcers. Indeed, very little pressure is needed before the blood supply to the area is compromised and tissue damage occurs. We measure pressure in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) - the same measurement we use in blood pressure.

The pressure required for tissue damage to start is minimal (greater than 35 mm Hg for those who have blood pressure cuffs and want to try this out). This pressure decreases the blood supply to the tissue which then becomes starved for oxygen. The cell hemorrhages and then dies.

In order to know what 35 mm Hg pressure actually feels like, think of the pressure exerted on your arm when you have your blood pressure taken. Now 35 mm Hg is not the kind of pressure you feel when the cuff is fully inflated but rather the pressure that you feel when the cuff is just beginning to inflate after several pumps.

If you can't remember what that feels like, that's the point - it's so minimal. So the next time you're laying on the floor consider this: the pressure between your hip and a hard resting surface can exceed 300 mm Hg.

Post-operative patients have very limited mobility because of the effects of anesthesia, pain and weakness so they are not able to shift their weight around - things that we all do unconsciously thousands of time a day. That's why frequent position changes, heel protectors, and skin hydration are all crucial during this period.

2. Pneumonia

When we are laid up in bed for several days, we don't fully inflate our lungs nor are we able to easily cough and move secretions around. The tiny air sacs that are at the end of our bronchial tubes collapse when they are not properly inflated with air, a condition called "atelectasis". After several days, bacteria can then build up and lead to pneumonia.

That's why patients are encouraged to cough and deep breath after surgery especially because normal moving about is severely restricted. An incentive spriometer, a cylindrical device with a tube attached that the patient sucks on, is an inexpensive tool that encourages deep breathing and complete aeration of the lungs.

3. Muscle Atrophy

The process of healing after hip surgery is a long one involving physical therapy and a willingness on the individual to do the exercises. But the weeks of limited mobility lead to muscle atrophy, causing individuals to tire more quickly which then leads to greater limitations.

The hard work of physical therapy can not be underestimated even though the gains may seem so minimal at first. The goal during this initial post-op phase is to maintain muscle tone and strength in the face of limited activity. That's why it is also important to make sure that pain medication is given before each session in order to maximize results.

4. Depression

Hip surgery is hard at any age but much more difficult on the elderly whose ability to bounce back quickly is diminished by a slower healing time. This combiined with the following, contribute to depression:
Loss of independence Fear of being placed in a nursing home Fear of further falls Discouragement because of the slow progress

In many cases, depression is accompanied by loss of appetite and poor sleep, both key components in insuring successful healing. The use of anti-depressants and nutritional supplements can help.

Because anti-depressants may take a while before their benefits are felt, be especially alert for the first signs of depression so that medication therapy can be intiated promptly. Be sure to seek out the help of the facility's social work and pastoral care staff.

Individuals do heal from hip surgery and return to independent living but it requires interventions and cooperation from mutiple disciplines:
physical/occupational therapy nursing medicine social work dietary and finally, patients and families.

Focusing on these aspects of care will help maximize healing.

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Medical Emergency in a Foreign Country? An Air Ambulance to the Rescue!

Flight Medical - Medical Emergency in a Foreign Country? An Air Ambulance to the Rescue!. The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Medical Emergency in a Foreign Country? An Air Ambulance to the Rescue!.

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We may equate medical evacuation with the military but med-evac services can save the life of ordinary citizens faced with extraordinary circumstances. Whether you are injured while rappelling down a mountain or experience chest pain while strolling through a museum, an air ambulance can save your life when traveling abroad.

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How is Medical Emergency in a Foreign Country? An Air Ambulance to the Rescue!

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Stan and Jenny were spending their two week vacation in Costa Rica. They were staying at a friend's home and using his jeep while there. While navigating the twisting roads, Stan hit a rock and the jeep flipped over. Jenny escaped with minor cuts and bruises but Stan needed to be hospitalized. Both wanted to go home immediately but Stan could not travel on a commercial air flight. Not knowing what else to do they remained in Costa Rica for 4 weeks until Stan was well enough to fly home.

It's hard enough to experience illness or injury at home but being in need of medical services while traveling in a foreign country can be disconcerting. You are away from the support of family and friends and the familiarity of your health system. A little advance planning can help you prepare if you need emergency medical care while traveling abroad.

We often see med-evac teams traveling by helicopter. However, the mode of transport may be ground, air escort, jet or even a Cessna. The staffing, medical equipment and mode are all dependent on your medical condition and needs. The air ambulance company can suggest several medically appropriate alternatives to meet your needs.

An air ambulance service can safely transport you from a hospital abroad to a hospital in your town. Your medical support team coordinates bedside to bedside service ensuring your safe transport back home. The medical team can also provide medical assistance while traveling.

If you are injured or hospitalized while you are traveling abroad, you or a family member can call the air ambulance service directly to arrange transport home. Having their number with you will facilitate this process. The air ambulance company can manage the communication between the hospital facilities, physicians, insurance company, airports and your family.

When planning your travel abroad, include the number of an air ambulance company in your emergency contacts. If you are injured or become ill while on vacation, air ambulance teams can safely and quickly arrange to transport you back home.

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How Many Gauges Do You Watch in the Cockpit of Your Business?

Virtual Flight Surgeon Aero - How Many Gauges Do You Watch in the Cockpit of Your Business?. The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination How Many Gauges Do You Watch in the Cockpit of Your Business?.

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Virtual Flight Surgeon Aero! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

As a business grows, the more moving parts it has. And the more difficult it is to keep an eye on everything that is happening. Then the balls start to drop. Does your business have as many moving parts as a Jumbo Jet? How do 747 pilots manage?

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How is How Many Gauges Do You Watch in the Cockpit of Your Business?

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When a business starts-up, because of the risk of failure, the owner has to watch everything. Fortunately, when you start-up, there is not a lot to watch! But it is hard to get out of the habit, which is why so many business owners continue to micromanage the business as it gets larger. Now if you could keep your eye on every ball in the air that might be ok. But at some point it becomes impossible to maintain, with owners focussing on where they feel most comfortable, rather than on what is most important.

Studies have shown that there are limits to how many different things a human being can monitor and react to. This of course, varies from person to person, but everyone has their limit. For example, only the most skilled jugglers can keep more than six balls in the air. The world record is 12. So when we try to keep our eye on everything, we will start dropping balls.

So how does a Jumbo Jet pilot keep an eye on everything? Funnily enough, they have six gauges in the cockpit, representing the key areas of the plane's performance. Or in business speak, the plane's Key Performance Indicators. These are the most vital to keeping the plane in the air. So if the seat 57D does not fully recline, or the airline logo paint is starting to flake on the body of the plane, they do not know about it. They have the flight attendants and the maintenance engineers to worry about such problems. However, these personnel are highly trained to notify the pilots if there is something they should worry about. The pilot trusts these personnel to do their job and follow their procedures, and only let him or her know about things that affect the plane's safety. So the pilots can concentrate on flying the plane.

But what if there is an engine problem. The plane's flight management system is set up so that any problem with a key part in the flight system will be evident on the high level gauges. So if there is a drop in airspeed, the pilot will query the system to determine which of the many causes may be responsible. They are able to drill down from the high level gauge which has moved from the safe area to investigate which of the plane's subsystems may be a fault. In almost all cases, the pilot is able to identify and either correct the problem or take action that will enable the plane to land safety. If they worried about every little non-critical problem on the plane, the chances are they might only notice the big ones when it is too late to do anything about them.

In business, the owner might identify that their cash reserves are declining. (Cash at Hand is one of the biggest Key Performance Indicators for any business.) Having seen this, the owner might ask the accountant to look at their detailed reports to identify the cause. Is it due to slow sales, overdue payments by debtors, cost blow-outs or overinvestment in inventory.

Having identified cost blowouts as the cause, the accountant might ask the operations manager why costs have gone up. She might advise that a maintenance problem has caused the over-run. When the operations manager speaks to the maintenance superintendent, she may discover the problem was caused by poor quality feedstock. In other words, a cash problem was caused by supplier quality control problem. Further analysis is of course, possible. The owner has therefore uncovered a critical supplier problem by interrogating staff after a key performance indicator has moved from the safe zone.

By having a small number of Key Performance Indicators which define the health of a business, and which are linked to other more detailed reports, the owner can fly their business using just few gauges. So, if there is a deeper problem in the business it will become visible. Because an owner with an excellent Business Management System is confident that they will identify problems in a timely fashion, they can focus on flying their business towards their ultimate objective which is their real job.

Copyright 2005 Empower Business Solutions

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The Role of Plane Crash Lawyers in Aviation Accidents

Pilot Surgeon - The Role of Plane Crash Lawyers in Aviation Accidents. The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination The Role of Plane Crash Lawyers in Aviation Accidents.

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Pilot Surgeon! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Several individuals consider air travel as the quickest and comfortable mode of transport. Suppose if a person wants to travel by bus from New York to the California state capital of Los Angeles, then he has to undergo a 72 hour long nerve racking, strenuous bus journey. On the other hand, if he opts to travel by plane, it will take only six hours to cover the same distance. Such is the convenience and swiftness of air travel, and so is the number of air accidents. Annually the number of plane crashes is on the rise. Several innocent people are victims to these air accidents. These victims are neglected from getting due justice and compensation. A skilled plane accident lawyer will assist a victim and help him in getting the required justice.

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How is The Role of Plane Crash Lawyers in Aviation Accidents

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Plane accidents can be minor as well as major. Some of the major reasons for some air mishaps are negligence in controlling the air traffic, flaws in designs, contamination in fuels, pilot mistakes, and poor maintenance of the airplane. When an aviation accident occurs due to any of the above-mentioned reason, the victims or the family members of the victim are put in a stalemate, they do not know what to do, or whom to approach. It is at this juncture, the friendly plane crash lawyer comes to their rescue. They act as good Samaritans and provide them with prompt services.

There are leading airplane accident lawyers, who have affluent experience in dealing with mass disasters. These law firms are fully committed in providing assistance to the families who are suffering from the aftermath of plane accidents. These proficient attorney services have the experience of serving in plaintiff's steering committees following main air accidents.

These customer friendly attorney services have the experience of dealing with private as well as commercial aviation cases for more than three decades.

These aviation accident attorney services have represented several customers, which include common aviation crashes as well as aviation disasters.

Apart from getting a successful settlement for the customers, these attorney services are also skillful in obtaining the airline's unprecedented apology for the entire sufferers and also their families.

These agencies skillfully do some detective work and find the reason that would have caused the air mishap. In the air mishaps, the attorneys look into the main areas. These agencies look for any occurrence of mechanical flaws. They probe and find what part of the aircraft would have caused the accident.

These plane crash lawyers also check the pilot and his crew. The aviation accident attorneys have adequate knowledge of the weather conditions and survivable mechanical breakdowns. They will find whether the pilot or the ground crew was responsible for the mishap.

They will also look for any environmental errors that would cause the mishap. They will find out whether the air safety personnel because of bad weather would have brought the aircraft down.

These expeditious services probe, analyze in all aspects and help in finding an amicable compensation for the victims of air mishap.

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Helicopter Pilot Careers in Emergency Medical Services

Flight Medical - Helicopter Pilot Careers in Emergency Medical Services . The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Helicopter Pilot Careers in Emergency Medical Services .

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Helicopter pilots who choose EMS (Emergency Medical Services) flying as a career have a very challenging and rewarding path ahead of them. EMS pilots perform a number of functions most notably responding to life threatening emergencies but they also provide other services such as non-emergency medical transport.

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How is Helicopter Pilot Careers in Emergency Medical Services

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There are numerous ways that EMS programs are structured. They can be government funded. In this case the EMS program is supported by government funds. These types of programs typically exist in large metropolitan areas. There are stand-alone programs where the hospital owns the helicopters and directly hires the pilots. There's also the contractor/vendor program where an independent company provides the helicopters and pilots, which are used for the EMS service.

Hiring minimums for an EMS operation can vary but generally companies look for at least 2000hrs HELO, 1500 hrs PIC as well as commercial and instrument ratings. EMS pilots fly a variety of helicopters but for the most part they're light single engine birds and most companies fly single pilot VFR.

The salaries also vary widely especially by geographical location. As you can imagine programs in large cities pay more than programs in smaller areas. Average staring pay is about ,000 with pay rates maxing out at about ,000 yearly. As a group EMS pilot probably fly the least of all professional helicopter pilots. It's not uncommon for some pilots to only fly 200 hours per year.

Work conditions also vary by operator and type of program. Some programs keep the helicopter at the hospital and give the crews a "ready room" with a bunk and other basic amenities. Other operators keep the helicopter at a nearby airport and crews have a furnished trailer for the crew.

Work schedules also vary. Shifts can be from 8 to 12 hrs long with 12 hrs being typical. Operators usually schedule pilots a string of days on followed by a string of days off such as 7 on and 7 off or 5 on and 5 off.

EMS flying offers pilots opportunities to help others. This makes EMS flying very rewarding.

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Sinus Infection Treatment- Without Antibiotics?

Flight Medical - Sinus Infection Treatment- Without Antibiotics?. The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Sinus Infection Treatment- Without Antibiotics?.

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Flight Medical! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

A gentleman named Jason H. recounted to me recently how he managed to treat a sinus infection without the use of antibiotics. Jason has a long history of 15 years of chronic sinus problems, and he has undergone 4 sinus surgeries. He is happy about his last operation to remove polyps and fix a deviated septum, and he has also begun using pulsating nasal irrigation with the Grossan Hydro Pulse® device. Nonetheless, he recently managed to come down with another sinus infection. Concerned that he has taken too many antibiotics in his life, he decided to attack the problem using the nasal irrigator. At this point a disclaimer is in order. Neither Jason nor the author of this article are doctors or medical professionals, we are both just sinus sufferers. As such neither of us is qualified to offer medical advice. I would personally urge anyone with a sinus infection, particularly those with chronic problems, to see an ENT specialist.

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How is Sinus Infection Treatment- Without Antibiotics?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Flight Medical.

In any case Jason used his nasal irrigation system 6 times on the day he realized he had an infection, which is a lot, but the next day he felt a lot better. He continued to use the system once or twice a day thereafter, as he normally would, and after three or four days he felt like he was completely over the problem. It was the first time he had ever dealt with a sinus infection without resorting to the use of antibiotics.

I personally know it is possible for the body to heal itself with sinus infections although the process can be long and painful. When I was much younger I used to say "when I get a cold it is really a lulu", and I would typically be sick for 2 to 3 weeks. It wasn't unusual for me to be bedridden for 2-4 days with severe headaches and nasal discharge and tearing in the eyes during that period as well. Of course colds don't last that long, and I now know that what I was experiencing was a sinus infection.

Clearly the body will eventually heal itself, but the healing process can be much faster using proper medications, such as antibiotics in this case. However, I too began to wonder if I was taking too many antibiotics after a number of years. At present I'm pleased to say that my nasal irrigator keeps the amount of antibiotics I use down to a low number.

The main benefit of pulsating nasal irrigation is for prevention, however, rather than treatment of sinus infections that have already taken hold, as Jason used it. I'm personally coming to the conclusion that this procedure would benefit almost everybody. I used to be a person who would become sick fairly regularly, but now I almost never become ill. I've gone over 1 ½ years without a cold or sinus infection, and it only happened on that occasion because I was exhausted before a long overseas flight. At that point I simply could not hold the infection off. I sometimes hear about people who don't have chronic sinusitis and who come down with colds, and this tends to surprise me. I used to be the one who got sick all the time, but now that is almost never the case. If I do feel a cold coming on I'll use my nasal irrigator two or even three times a day for 1-2 days (I normally use it twice a day in any case). If I feel a possible infection coming on I'll also take 5 mg of prednisone, and I normally also use a steroid spray, flonase, although there are a number of such products on the market. For about five years now this regimen has worked well for me. One needs to be careful with prednisone, however, as it can cause harmful side-effects. I use it sparingly, and my doctor says it is not an issue.

Once again, I would recommend that most people seek advice from their doctor when they begin to fall ill. People like Jason and I, who have long histories battling sinus infection, can tell when we have one, but that is not the case for most people. There is no doubt, however, that pulsating nasal irrigation with a saline solution is a huge help, and I'm convinced it would help lower the number of colds caught by most people, even those who do not have chronic sinus problems. And it can be used even for treatment of a sinus infection, as Jason did, although it might be best to try this under a doctor's supervision.

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Mark Lindsay - Paul Revere and the Raiders Charismatic Superstar - One on One

Pilot Surgeon - Mark Lindsay - Paul Revere and the Raiders Charismatic Superstar - One on One. The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Mark Lindsay - Paul Revere and the Raiders Charismatic Superstar - One on One.

Do you know about - Mark Lindsay - Paul Revere and the Raiders Charismatic Superstar - One on One

Pilot Surgeon! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Paul Revere & the Raiders heroic Lead Singer/Songwriter/Producer - Mark Lindsay has impacted the music world in so many memorable ways.

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How is Mark Lindsay - Paul Revere and the Raiders Charismatic Superstar - One on One

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Pilot Surgeon.

Mark's voice and persona with The Raiders made him a 60's and 70's icon and a mainstay on classic hits radio. Not only did he obtain legendary status with the band, he was the object for affection for the world's school girl population. Mark Lindsay's alluring smile, handsome profile, and mop-top dew with his long trademark ponytail (que) were on the front cover of every teen magazine around the globe. And forget about those redcoats from England that called themselves The Beatles, Mark Lindsay & the Raiders were True Blue Patriots for American Rock & Roll.

Mark Lindsay will once again be singing those timeless Paul Revere & the Raiders megahits on The Happy Together Tour 2011. Headlining this year's tour is -The Turtles featuring Flo & Eddie ("It Ain't Me Babe" "Happy Together" "She's My Girl"). Other legendary performers on the tour are -The Association ("Windy" "Cherish" "Along Comes Mary"), The Grassroots, ("Let's Live for Today" "Midnight Confessions") and The Buckinghams ("Kind of a Drag" "Don't You Care" "Susan").

The tour will be stopping at Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater on Tuesday July 19th.

All these GREAT performers on one exciting bill, and reminiscent of the American Bandstand, Where the Action Is, Hullabaloo and Shindig TV show lineups of the 60's.

Paul Revere & the Raiders produced hit after hit throughout the 60's and early 70's. Memorable classics like "Kicks", "Steppin' Out", "Hungry", "Good Thing", "Just Like Me" and "Indian Reservation."

Marl Lindsay is a Florida native now. And thanks to Jeff Albright from the Albright Entertainment Group, I was able to speak with both Mark Lindsay and Mark Volman of The Turtles last week. The interview with Professor Volman will be following this article.

And now here's my interview with Mark Lindsay. Mark's a Singer/Writer/Producer/Hitmaker & Legendary Frontman of Paul Revere & the Raiders.

Hi Mark, thanks for spending a few moments with me today. How are you?

"I'm great Ray. Where are you calling from?"

I'm calling from beautiful Bradenton, Florida.

"Well hey; I'm sitting in Florida right now. We're over near Jupiter and we're actually living in Florida now. I've been married to Deborah for twenty years and in that twenty years we've lived in Idaho, Oregon, Arizona, California, Maui, Nashville, Memphis, upstate New York and Florida. So we've lived in all four corners of the country and Hawaii and I like Florida the best. Florida's cool, where else can you get summer 365 days a year, although it might get cold at night. I think we're both lucky to be down here."

What was living in Hawaii like?

"Except for the ocean breeze that blows pretty much all the time in Maui, the weather is pretty much exactly the same. We lived there for eight years and lived about two miles down the road from George Harrison as a matter of fact. We had three acres right on a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was great except we had a full time gardener, between him and the two of us; we'd be out there three days a week just beating down the bushes. So it got crazy but it was fun."

Let's talk about The Happy Together 2011 tour. It recently celebrated its 25th anniversary right?

"I was on some of the first ones and they put me back on the tour last year. We've got great reviews and we're back again this year. I love it, it's so much fun, you get to hear so many great songs and see all the guys, and it takes you back my friend, it takes you back. You're gonna' see a giant slice of the charts from the 60's and 70's and a lot of hits!"

I was a top 40 radio deejay back in the late 70's/early 80's and then MTV and video wiped out the radio star.

"Then the web wiped out the record. It's all digital, it's all downloads and unfortunately there's a lot of piracy. But the kids today, it's a whole new generation, you got a kid that's 12 or 13 years old and he just doesn't understand why he can't hack in and download stuff because it's there and so why can't you get it."

When I grew up, it was all about listening to your favorite deejay and finding out what the hit songs were. If you liked what you heard on the radio you ran down to the record store and bought the 45 record. Then you usually bought the album.

"Yea, it was fun. I love vinyl, as a matter of fact I'm working on a project now and we might end up putting it on vinyl as well because there's a whole new market, kids are discovering the fact that vinyl sounds a hell of a lot better than digital."

I miss that echo effect sound from all those classic 45 records. I'm not sure if we'll be able to ever master that wonderful sound ever again. Jim McCarty of TheYardbirds agreed with me when I spoke with him several weeks ago, that magical sound on those early records can never be duplicated.

"Well a lot of it had to do with the live chambers. CBS records in Hollywood where the Raiders cut most of their stuff, they had two special echo chambers that were just... well you've heard Simon & Garfunkel, Raiders, it all sounded great. Capitol Records had these echo chambers designed by Les Paul as a matter of fact. Yea all that stuff -Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys they all sounded great. I have a lot of my old equipment, a lot of the same equipment that I used back in the 60's and I can get pretty close but you cannot duplicate that echo. However a friend of mine has gone around and sampled a lot of the old chambers so he can get like 99% of the way there. It's an all new technique though."

There seemed to be a lot of pressure on those artists back in the 60's, pressure to get a hit record on the radio along with a grueling touring schedule and constant TV appearances.

"I joined my first band when I was like 14 years old and formed the Raiders with Paul when I was like 17 or 18. So I've been on the road all my life and for some strange reason I still like it. I guess I've never grown up. That's what's so good about The Happy Together Tour; we're back on the road again. You mentioned McCarty, we were lucky we had the show Where the Action Is. It was a great way to debut your record and everybody saw it at once. Although we did tour, there was like several years there where we were on the road like maybe 200 nights a year."

Do you think it was that kind of discipline that made the 60's music scene so great?

"I don't know if it was the discipline or the sheer joy of playing rock & roll. I remember my first record contract; I would have paid them a nickel a record, you know? Anything to make music, and it wasn't about the bucks it was about playing music, and being on TV, and playing in front of crowds."

Yea, what was the fame like Mark; I remember your picture being plastered on the front cover of every teen magazine around?

"It was a funny thing, in my mind there were two Mark Lindsay's. There was one guy that was on TV and then the magazine's and stuff, and then there was the real me which I knew wasn't like that guy. I was kind of having a hard time putting the two together. Inside I was kind of this shy kid from Idaho but when I got on stage everything changed."

I think many of us kids identified more with bands like the Raiders and Turtles because you were one of us. You were "American" bands.

"Well, we were the American Revolution."

And you wore that que or ponytail.

"And you know I wish the heck that I had put a Copyright on that because just think how many Hell's Angels would have been paying royalties right now."

Are you still sporting the ponytail (que) or is it a thing of the past?

"It's come and gone about four different times. I've grown it and cut it off. Right now I don't have it, I cut it off about three years ago but who knows I may start growing it back again, it comes and goes."

I wanted to ask you about a song you did in 1966 called "Little Girl in the 4th Row" from The Midnight Ride album, was there actually a girl in the fourth row that you were singing about?

"Being on tour and you look out at the audience and there'd be this babe, you know? But you know that there was no way in the world that you'd ever be able to meet her, you can see her out there, but like as soon as the show was over BAM -you were on a bus or a limo or whatever to the airport or wherever you were going and never stick around, so it was kind of like one of those things. Then Mark began to sing some of the lyrics to the song, "Maybe someday you'll be closer than four rows away."

So you never actually got to meet her Mark?

"Well actually I did, believe it or not in Buffalo New York in 1967 there was this priest that come up before the show and after a soundcheck before the show curtain opened. He said, 'Mark, I'm kind of the unofficial greeter here, there's these little girls that are sitting out here that would love to meet you.' So I said, 'Sure bring them on back.' So there were three girls that came back, and one of them was really- really cute, she had these cat eye glasses and there was this instant attraction, and I thought wait a minute this girl is 14 years old this is not going to happen. So I gave her a rose and a kiss on top of the head and that was it.

Fast forward to the 80's, I'm in this meeting in Beverly Hills to do this commercial for this big corporation and appear at one of their functions. And I'm there with this gal and one of the guys from the agency. And this girl and I just hit it off instantly, and we're sitting there laughing and the guy says, 'Well I might as well leave; it's obvious that you two know each other.' And I said, 'No-no, we've never met,' and the girl said, 'Actually we did meet many years ago but you wouldn't remember it.' I said, 'When did we meet?' She said, 'Buffalo in '67.' I said, 'You're the girl that I gave the rose to.' And I ended up marrying her."

You're kidding me?

"Nope, that's my wife now."

Wow, what a great story Mark.

"Oh yea. It was right, we were like star-crossed lovers. It was meant to be but it was just too early the first time around."

That is amazing.

"My life reads like a novel and so I'm working on a book."

Yea, I did hear that you were working on a book. As a matter of fact my first book was released recently - it's called Check the Gs -The True Story of an Eclectic American Family and Their Wacky Family Business. How far are you along in your story?

"Well you know I'm almost done, I've written it and rewritten it three or more times and I've been working on it for 10-15 years. But what happens is every time I get almost finished, I start reading it and I say no, no, no, that's not the way it really happened, I'm trying to make myself look too good here, this isn't really real. So I go back and write what really happened without really stretching the fabric over the real stuff you know? So as I've done that several times and maybe as I get a little older I get a little more honest with myself. So I'm really getting close to the truth now and the truth reads better than fiction."

Are you writing this totally on your own or getting some help with it?

"No, I'm doing it myself. Actually a couple of years ago I sent a couple of chapters to a publisher and I said maybe I need some help with this, and they no, no, no, we love your style just keep doing the way you're doing. They wanted to make a deal but I said I'm not ready yet."

Eventually, like I did, you're going to say enough, it's ready, I'm done.

"Well, when it's right it's right! It's like writing a song, I'll work on it in my head -and it's amazing back in the day I use to write a song and that's it great -spitted it out you know. Now I work a little harder on them and just keep working on it until I start taking things out and when I start taking things out I figure it's time to stop."

My book took two years to write and I look back and say where did those two years go? My mind was totally focused at that time on the story.

"It's a consuming art but it's worth it. And when you get through it you've got something you can look at for the rest of your life."

When we leave this planet, well... you already have your legacy; I guess I'll have mine with my book.

"No, I'm still working on mine; I've got a lot more stuff to do. I kind of hit a renaissance period and I've written more songs in the last eight months than in the previous eight years. And I've got a couple projects going, can't really talk about them but one of them if it happens, will fulfill my horoscope. Back in the 60's, Gloria Stavers, you mentioned 16 Magazine; she was the editor of 16, she gave me for my birthday one year my horoscope by Linda Goodman, a private horoscope right, and it predicted that you were going to end up with the mansion up on the hill, and sure enough I shared this big mansion with Terry Melcher, and about a sports car in the garage and I had the red Ferrari in there but she said these things will not make you happy you're going to want more, you're going to move on past this and do all these things and then become more famous then you ever thought you could. But it won't make you happy.

But much later in life you're going to have a second career that's going to be so phenomenal that it will almost out eclipse your first career entirely. You'll be known by millions more people. So I'm working on that and so if that comes true then there you go. And if this project works, that can happen, but I can't say anything more about it than that, but wait and see."

Tell me a little bit about Terry Melcher, he was an important guy in the 60's wasn't he?

"Terry was really the sixth Raider, if you listen to any of the songs up to the first record that I produced which was Too Much Talk; before that Terry was on every Raider record. We'd finish a song and he and I would go back into the studio later and he and I would mainly do the background. He had this great high sounding voice and it just blended so well. He was a big part of the Raiders sound. He was real instrumental in helping the Raiders in becoming the hitmakers they were and I really miss him, he's gone now."

He left us much too soon, didn't he?

"Sure did, the last four or five years before he died, I said come on Terry let's get back in and write something, let's do something again, and he said, well...I don't know. But his last big song was "Kokomo," (The Beach Boys) he's all over that for sure."

Yea, Terry Melcher was instrumental to so many important bands- including The Beach Boys and The Byrds. When I attended broadcasting school back in the late 70's, all my instructors were deejays with illustrious broadcasting careers and they all had Dick Clark stories. What was it like to work with Dick Clark?

"Well, he was totally professional. When the camera would come on or the Microphone would come on and he would be all smiles. He was very much a professional and if something didn't go his way you knew about it. But he got done what he wanted done and done his way and it sure worked for him."

So Dick Clark was also instrumental to the Raiders success right?

"Well sure, he had an idea for Where the Action Is; he hired us for the pilot because we worked very cheap, and when he sold the idea to ABC he hired us for a thirteen week period. He knew how visual we were right and we would work cheap, and he told me years later, 'You know what? I thought I'd hire you guys for thirteen weeks and whenever the show took off I'd hire a real band.' So they liked what they saw and by the end of that thirteen week period we had become that real band. We were the house band for almost three years."

You guys cranked out some hits man, but what really amazed me is that "Indian Reservation" was your only Number One hit?

"Yea, even "Arizona" which was up to where it made platinum but not Number One. But we did have some gold records, it was the only Number One and the funny thing is it was suppose to be a follow up to "Arizona." It was a Mark Lindsay record, I produced it and I usually didn't produce myself, Jerry Fuller did, and when I got through with the record Jack Gold said, 'Why don't you put it out as the Raiders, you produce the Raiders and they need a hit.' So we put it under the name of the Raiders and it became the biggest selling hit in the history of CBS records."

Any regrets for calling the band Paul Revere? (Keyboardist Paul Revere Dick continued to tour without Mark using the Raiders name)

"In the beginning, way back to the beginning before we got on CBS, we signed our first record contract on a little label called Gardena and the owner said, 'You got to sign the contract and sign your full legal name,' so my full legal name is Mark Allen Lindsay and I signed my name and then everybody else signed their name and Paul's name was signed Paul Revere Dick, that was his full name.

Then he looked over at us and said, 'Paul Revere...Paul Revere, Paul Revere, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait...a...minute! That's a great gimmick. I mean the Downbeats are okay but Paul Revere now that's a hook. Everybody knows Paul Revere's ride come on.'

He said, 'I'm going to call this band Paul Revere & the Nightriders or something' and Paul especially hated it because he'd been teased all his life in school about, 'Hey Paul Revere- where's your horse?' So he just dropped his first name Paul and went by the name Revere Dick. But when our first record came out, our first record said Paul Revere & the Nightriders. And although the name (Using Paul Revere) did cause some confusion but it's probably a lot like The Dave Clark Five where Mike Smith was the lead singer and Dave Clark (the drummer) was the name of the band."

There are so many bands running around out there without the original lead singers anymore.

"Well, what are you going to do...what are you going to do. But when you see the Happy Together tour you're going to see the real deal here, I've sang every hit that Paul Revere & the Raiders ever had. And Mark & Howard from The Turtles, if they're not the real deal then I never saw one."

I'm really looking forward to the show, and I'm hoping to get a pass to cover the show from backstage. I want to take a lot of pictures.

"Tell them Mark said that they'd better do it or I won't do "Kicks."

I'll definitely tell them that. My favorite Paul Revere & the Raiders tune has always been "Good Thing."

"Yea we'll be doing that, I love that tune, when we do it on stage it sounds just like we did on the record. The guys in the band all sing like birds or The Byrds -I'm not sure. But I do my best to make the stuff that we do sound like in the day or better you know. So there you go."

You've always had a great voice and your voice today sounds like your only 35 years old and it appears that you take really good care of yourself. (Mark is 69 years old)

"Well, I walk six miles a day; I get up around three or four in the morning and out by sunrise. That's where I write, I'll be on the trail. I try to eat right and exercise another hour when I get back home. So when I went in for a checkup recently my doctor said, 'Whatever you're doing don't stop it' (After getting a recent physical his doctor said you could be 25 years old)."

After Paul Revere & the Raiders you worked as an A&R executive with United Artist Records?

"Yea, I thought I was qualified, I'd been an Artist, Producer, Writer, a Publisher, so I thought I knew how to pick songs and it was a lot of fun and I did pick some hits. I had a great run there until Capitol bought the company and just like a radio station, somebody came in and said okay we've got your job now."

"What kind of hits did you pick?"

"The first project that they gave me was the City to City album by Gerry Rafferty. They said, 'Any hits on here?'I said, 'Well, let me take it home and I'll let you know.' So I went home over the weekend and came back and said 'Okay, Baker Street is a monster, it's going to be about a million-seller, it's way too long but we can edit it down. And they said, 'What's the next connection?' I said '"Right DownThe Line," not as big as "Baker Street" probably won't sell quite a million -maybe eight hundred-nine hundred thousand, and the third single should be "Home And Dry" maybe three hundred-four hundred thousand but that's about it.' And they said, 'You're on!'

So we released "Baker Street" and nobody's playing it. So I went to Charlie Minor, the head of promotions and said, 'Let me sit in your office, when you make all these calls to the stations and I'll get on the extension. Ask them if they're on it yet and, if they're not, why they're not playing it. Don't give them reasons to play it. Ask them why they're not playing it.' So he did and I listened and wrote down all these notes.

One station said, 'Well, the guitar is a little too raucous for our format.' Another said, 'That sax thing shouldn't be at the front, it should be at the end.' And so on and so forth.

I had a little studio in my house. I went home, got out a razor blade and made 17 different custom edits for these 17 stations. I threw them on Charlie's desk on Monday morning and said, 'Okay, send these out and ask them why they won't play them now.' And I guess maybe they were so flattered that we'd made a custom edit for their station - now, with digital stuff, of course everybody makes their own custom edits. But they had said, 'We'll take you on temporarily,' so when that happened they said, 'Okay you got the gig.'"

Do you still talk with Paul (Paul Revere Dick) at all?

"We talk occasionally; we haven't played together for years. You guys are always asking me would you ever do something together and there was awhile when I'd say no but nowadays I don't give a crap you know, why not? It might happened, it might not, if it does fine, if doesn't that's cool too."

It seems like Paul's version of the band took a totally different direction with more of a comedic flare, almost like a lounge act.

"Paul is a great natural comedian; when he grew up his heroes were like Danny Kaye and the Marx Brothers and people like that. And he just loved comedy. Now he's got a band and he does comedy bits and they play the hits and it's entertaining but it's not the Raiders that I remember. But as long as he's putting people in the seats he's doing the right thing."

Mark, I want to thank you so much for spending some time with me today, and I look forward to meeting you in person backstage at The Happy Together show at Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater on July 19th.

"I look forward to meeting with you Ray, thank you."

Order my new book called Check the Gs -The True Story of an Eclectic American Family and Their Wacky Family Business. Order your copy NOW at http://rayshasho.com/ -You'll LIVE it!

You can contact Ray Shasho at rockraymond.shasho@gmail.com

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